You've decided to send out a press release as part of your public relation's strategy. But, you're not exactly sure how to measure the success of your press release.
Luckily, the best newswires provide specific press release analytics that help you quickly and easily identify the effectiveness of your press release.
How to measure the success of a press release
There are many different press release metrics or press release KPIs available. But, you can view the following 6 best press release analytics to easily identify the success of your press release.

1. Measure Views for Press Release Success
You should be able to quickly identify where and how much your press release is viewed.
Furthermore, the best way to quickly get a snapshot of view data is to look at summary charts that provide insightful and relevant data.
Newsfile's view charts measure press release effectiveness
device type
Views by Recipient
Views of your press releases can come from different locations.
For example, are readers viewing your press release from a social media platform, a search engine, a trading platform, a financial portal or a news aggregator?
Tracked Views by Recipient Type

Views by Country
Segmenting your press release views by country is very insightful. Moreover, this data aids you in understanding which countries are seeing your press releases the most.
Tracked Views by Country

Views by Browser
Different browsers present websites and website pages differently. Therefore, you should decide how to optimize the look of your press releases based on which browsers are used most often.
Keep in mind that customer relations' teams at technology savvy newswires can help you optimize your press release by adjusting for browser types.
Tracked Views by Browser

Views by Device
Are most of your press releases viewed on mobile or pc? Perhaps, these results change over time?
Regardless, once you know the answers to these important questions, you can customize the appearance of your press release to adjust for mobile or pc.
Simplifying your content, adjusting image or multimedia sizes and avoiding complicated designs are a just a few tips you can employ for utilizing mobile for your press releases.
Tracked Views by Device Type

Views by Hour
You can adjust the time that your press release goes out based on what time of day it is viewed the most.
Tracked Views by Hour

Views by Day
How many views does your press release receive on the day you send it out? Second, how many views does your press release get on the days after you send it out?
The answers to these questions can help determine the optimal days to send out your press releases.
Tracked Views by Day

Views by Provider
Newsfile tracks the internet service provider's (ISP) of the users who view your press release.
2. Clicks Reveal an Effective Press Release
You can view the number of times readers click the links in your news releases. Actually, this number will change over time.
3. Email
Some newswire companies send out press releases via email. In addition, any interested user may receive a press release by email.
Who receives or signs up to receive press release emails?
Newsfile emails press releases to recipients on email lists that clients provide.
In addition, Newsfile emails press releases of select companies or industries when users sign up to receive these press releases through our Newsfile alert system.
Email analytics
Anyone can sign up to receive an alert of your press release. Therefore, wouldn't it be interesting to know where your readers are?
Newsfile provides a breakdown of these subscribers by country and by type.
Press release subscribers identified by country

4. Earned Media: Mentions
Keep tabs on what is being said about you and the earned media you are generating!
Newsfile monitors the web for mentions of your company. Then, we provide you with a list of clickable links directly to where your company name or tickers have been mentioned in the last 30 days.
Keep a historical record of these mentions by downloading the reports.
Country of webpage where you were mentioned

5. Trends in Successful Press Release
Track multiple press release views over time to determine trends. For example, Newsfile compares the views on your latest 5 press releases. Then, we tabulate the results to look at the most popular days and times for your press releases.
Analyzing trends may assist when deciding what days and hours to publish your stories going forward.
6. Clips from recipients (influential sources)
Clips allow you to click on a recipient (influential source) to view your story on their web site. Also, you can hold your mouse over a recipient to learn more.
Click on the clips of influential sources to view your story on their websites
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Mention icons created by Icon Mela - Flaticon Trend icons created by NextGen - Flaticon Left-click icons created by icon wind - Flaticon Overview icons created by Muhammad_Usman - Flaticon Ui icons created by Vectorslab - Flaticon Email icons created by Uniconlabs - Flaticon Image by pressfoto on Freepik